Common Symptoms of Celiac Disease in Allentown, PA

by | Sep 4, 2017 | Health

Celiac disease is often difficult to diagnose because no two people experience it in quite the same way and there are more than 200 known symptoms of this disease that may occur in your digestive system or various other parts of the body. Some people develop this disease at a young age while others do not show signs of trouble until they reach adulthood and the reason for this has yet to be discovered. That said, there are some telling signs that may be enough of a warning to have you visiting a nearby gastroenterologist as soon as you can so that you can receive a proper diagnosis.

Bloating and Pain

This one is a common symptom but may also be difficult to determine a cause for due to the vagueness of the symptom, especially since bloating and pain may be caused by menstruation in women and a number of other conditions. That said, bloating and pain should not occur after you have a meal, especially not after nearly every meal, and visiting professionals such as Gastroenterology Associates for a consultation is simple when you click here. Celiac disease in Allentown, PA is more common than you may believe and is also fairly simple to treat by simply making a few changes in your lifestyle.

Chronic Diarrhea

All adults will experience diarrhea at least once in their lifetime, either due to the food they eat one day or either a bacterial or viral infection, but chronic diarrhea should not be a problem. This will only occur if there is something consistently going wrong within your digestive tract and you should be seen by a celiac disease expert for further testing. Doing so may yet help you to finally see relief from this troublesome symptom as you go about your daily routine and enjoy the foods that you love. Browse the website for more information.

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