An Allergy Specialist in Hattiesburg, MS Knows the Most Common Airborne Allergens

by | Apr 28, 2020 | Health

Allergies to airborne particles are common, with up to 50 million U.S. residents affected, according to the National Institutes of Health. Nevertheless, a relatively small percentage of people are affected by any particular allergen. An allergy specialist in Hattiesburg, MS uses skin patch testing to determine which substances a patient is allergic to, after which the doctor and patient can form a plan of action to reduce symptoms. If this is a pediatric patient, the parents will work on the plan with the allergist.

Regarding airborne substances, an allergy specialist in Hattiesburg, MS most frequently sees patients dealing with allergies to pollen, mold, dust mites and animal dander. Anyone seeking help with these problems may contact us at Asthma & Allergy Clinic.

Plant Pollen

Some 8 to 10 percent of people are allergic to plant pollen, although each normally only reacts to certain types of pollen. One person might develop hay fever in spring when the trees are producing large amounts of pollen. Another starts sneezing and wheezing in mid-to-late summer when ragweed and goldenrod appear. Still, other unlucky people are afflicted with hay fever throughout the growing season.


Statistics are similar for mold. Around 10 percent of U.S. residents have this allergy, says the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. An allergy to mold can make some individuals quite ill. As with pollen, mold counts are routinely provided by weather services regarding area air quality. People allergic to this substance must make sure it doesn’t grow in the home; keeping humidity levels in a recommended range helps.

Dust Mites

Many people think they are allergic to dust, but the actual allergy is to waste products left by microscopic dust mites. Again, the estimate of how many individuals are affected is about 10 percent of the population.

Animal Dander

It’s certainly troubling when the presence of dogs or cats makes people sneeze, get congested and have watery eyes. Allergies to cats are about twice as frequent as allergies to dogs, and some 7 percent of men, women and kids have those negative reactions to felines. Click here for more details about the an allergy specialist in Hattiesburg, MS.

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