3 Things You Can Do For Groin Pain Before Seeing a Fort Lee Specialist

by | May 20, 2021 | Health

Anyone can pull a groin muscle or experience another condition that causes pain in the groin. While you should see a groin pain specialist as soon as possible, there are some simple things you can do at home to alleviate the pain. While these treatments won’t heal the injury, they can help you better cope with the pain until you can get professional help.

Get Plenty of Rest

The best thing you can do for yourself is to relax in a comfortable position as much as possible. If you have someone to prepare meals and help with other chores, make use of their help. Above all, avoid engaging in physical activities since they can aggravate an injury.

Use Cold Treatments

Cold temperatures will help reduce the swelling and inflammation, which are the causes of muscle pain. You should wrap ice in a clean towel or washcloth before applying to the painful area. Apply the ice pack to the area for 20 minutes every three hours to alleviate the pain without risking frostbite to the skin.

Gently Stretch the Leg

While exercise is not recommended, you should be stretching the affected leg regularly. Raise the leg just until you start to feel pain and lower it for one full rep. As you practice stretching, you should be able to stretch the leg further over time. If your groin pain specialist advises you to do different stretches or to refrain from stretching temporarily, follow their advice.

If you are experiencing groin pain, you can schedule an examination with Groin and Pelvic Pain Institute by visiting their website.

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