Who Needs to See an Eye Doctor in Jacksonville, FL, at Least Annually?

by | Jan 18, 2022 | Optometrists

Everyone needs to have their eyes checked from time to time. For some people, the need for annual eye exams is especially important. If you happen to fall into any of the following categories, now is the time to contact an eye doctor in Jacksonville, FL, and schedule your examination.

People who live with diabetes are at the top of the list of those who require annual eye exams. One of the eventual effects of type 1 or type 2 diabetes is diabetic retinopathy. Catching the condition early on can lead to treatments that help slow the progress and make it possible to retain more visual acuity, at least for a time.

Individuals who wear any type of corrective eyewear should make it a point to have an examination once a year. The goal is to ensure that the prescription is still the most effective. It’s also a good chance to check for cataracts or other issues that may negatively impact the ability to see clearly while wearing those corrective lenses.

People who are nearing retirement age would do well to schedule an appointment with an eye doctor in Jacksonville, FL, and find out if the vision is still as good as it was in the past. Even those who have never needed corrective lenses before may find they have reached a time in life when eyewear would help a lot.

The bottom line is that there is no point in waiting until something seems to be wrong to have your eyes checked. Call today and make an appointment. If there is an issue, knowing about it now makes it possible to pursue treatment options that protect your vision in the future.

For more information, please contact Business Name – Southside at Web today.

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