What You Need to Know About Cat Vaccinations

by | Aug 17, 2016 | Veterinarians

While many people’s first thought is to remember to take their dog in for its vaccinations because it is the law that they receive their rabies and that they cannot register them without it, many people forget that their cats also need help and protection against certain serious diseases. Any responsible pet owner would want to protect their cat, and vaccinations are an extremely important component of any healthcare program.  While it seems to be all the rage these days to use homeopathic vaccines or some other method that has been recommended by family or friends, they you should never be used. There is no scientific basis to them and there is no way that they can provide the immunity required. You should always use only what your veterinarian has recommended.

Vaccines Recommended for Cats

There are three main vaccines that are given to cats. These are Feline panleucopenia which is also known as feline parvovirus. This can cause quite severe and unfortunately fatal bleeding in the stomach. This vaccine is highly effective. A dual vaccination for the feline herpes virus and the feline’s calicivirus is always given at the same time as the two together are the main cause of cat flu. Typically animals who are affected will sneeze, have eye and nose discharges, and even mouth sores. Although the vaccination does not always prevent infection it does keep the cat from getting quite as ill. While it is true that rabies is far more prevalent in dogs than cats, cats can also become infected and pass the disease along to humans. All cats, whether indoors or outdoors, should be vaccinated. The place to get your pet vaccinations in Chicago is the Portage Park Animal Hospital and Dental Clinic. Not only do they offer vaccinations for dogs and cats, but for many other small animals as well. Visit web.com to know more about Pet Vaccinations.

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