Questions to Ask Before Purchasing Lift Chairs in Pittsburgh, PA

by | Feb 11, 2016 | Health Care

When people get to a point in their life where they have limited mobility, the choices are to either have them live in a nursing home or assisted living facility or to equip their current home so they can move around. The thing opted for today is purchasing a lift chair. Lift chairs help to make life easier for those who use them. The lift chair also helps the person who otherwise would be the caregiver for the person who is disabled. The caregiver will save his or her back in trying to help the patient or loved one get around. A medical supplier that sells Lift Chairs in Pittsburgh PA offers varieties of the lift chairs. Here are some questions you may want to ask before purchasing one.

• The first question to ask is about the style of chair that will accommodate the needs of the disabled person. Examples of the chairs that could be purchased are the 2-position, 3-position, and the 3-position with the infinity position and dual motors. The latter example offers the widest range of positions to recline, including foot elevation.

• You will also want to ask questions about the right sizing and cushioning for the particular user. A person who has arthritis will require a much different cushion than one who has other issues.

• You will want to find out how the company you purchase from will deliver and if the company will set up as well. It will also be good to find out at this time if parts of the lift chair are detachable (in case the entrance to a particular room is smaller).

These are just some things you should think about asking as you consider purchasing a lift chair for your loved one or yourself. Remember, with the lift chair, no longer will the person have to leave his or her home and be dependent upon someone else. McArdle Surgical, located in the Pittsburgh area, helps customers to regain their independence. If you are interested in finding out about Lift Chairs in Pittsburgh PA, that is the company you can call, or visit them at their website.

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