How to Detect Acohol Addiction: Common Symptoms of Alcoholism

by | Dec 18, 2018 | Health

Alcohol has often been used to release inhibitions, ease strong emotions, or on the other hand, incite these same emotions. However, some people tend to abuse alcohol and become dependent on it. Common underlying reasons behind alcohol abuse include depression, health disorders, family genetics, etc.

Are you or a loved one in need of help? Assess the situation first and see if you’ve got any of the following symptoms related to alcoholism:

You Can’t Stop Drinking

It may sound strange, but people who have become addicted to alcohol can’t stop drinking. Whether this is because they want to achieve a certain effect which requires them to drink more, or simply they can’t put the bottle down, alcoholics tend to experience a varied need to keep taking in alcohol. The problem with this is that the more you drink, the greater your tolerance becomes and tendency to intoxication lessens.

Alcohol is Your Top Priority

Alcoholics tend to put everything else aside for the sake of their addiction. However, this doesn’t all at once. Addiction can be gradual, and can easily slip beneath you if you don’t keep track of it properly. Re-evaluating your habits over a certain period of time to see if they’ve changed to adjust to your drinking schedule may be an early warning sign of addiction.

You’ve Experienced Extreme Withdrawal

Everybody experiences a hangover at some point or another in their lives, but you know you’ve developed a dependence on alcohol when you experience these symptoms upon not drinking for a day or two:

  • trouble sleeping,
  • shakiness,
  • restlessness,
  • nausea,
  • sweating,
  • racing heart,
  • seizures,
  • hallucinations
  • Conclusion

One of the most difficult things to admit is having an addiction, but the sooner it is detected, the faster it can be remedied. Upon identifying these symptoms in yourself or a loved one, make sure to see a doctor or undergo alcohol rehab to mitigate addiction. Alcohol rehab can help you through withdrawal, and avoid any other unpleasant relapses.

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