Counselors in Mental Health Care In Palm Beach FL Provide Clients With Tools for Addiction Recovery

by | Jul 26, 2017 | Health

There are varying schools of thought in regard to the nature of addiction to mind-altering substances. Some consider the problem to be a disease, while others view it as a character flaw. A person who feels that his or her addiction problem is a mental illness may prefer to receive substance abuse counseling at a facility providing services under the umbrella of Mental Health Care In Palm Beach FL.

Various Treatment Options

Different types of treatment for chemical dependency prove more beneficial for some individuals than for others. Many people find ongoing participation in 12-step groups to be a lifeline, while others spend 30 days in a rehabilitation center and never feel the need for ongoing support afterward. Numerous sessions of outpatient counseling is another option that can be beneficial for support and insight.

Outpatient and Residential Options

At a center for Mental Health Care In Palm Beach FL, the person who is ready to take steps to begin recovery might be counseled on an outpatient basis or might choose to stay in one of the recovery residences for a while. Some individuals simply cannot take time off from a job or be away from the family to move to a recovery residence away from home for any length of time. Others know that they need that break from “real life” to begin their recovery journey.

Tools to Avoid Relapse

People who need to stop using and to get their lives back on track may not care whether one theory of addiction is more correct than another. Instead, they need the tools that are most advantageous for their own circumstances and personality. Outpatient services as provided by a center such as Nextep provide guidance that empowers the client to avoid relapse even on emotionally trying days or in situations where indulging in the drug of choice is extremely tempting.

People who have been addicted to alcohol, for instance, must learn to manage events like family gatherings and holiday work parties if they want to keep attending. They may not want to cut all ties with a loved one who frequently smokes marijuana or uses opiates. Click here for details on one particular treatment center.

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